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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I recently purchased a flat of strawberries from Bountiful Baskets (if you haven’t heard of this, check it out, it is AMAZING!).  I get tired of eating bananas, oranges and more bananas and oranges during the winter, so I jumped on the opportunity to buy a lot of strawberries for super cheap!
Check out what I made with all of my strawberries:
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I ended up with 9 (2 cup) containers of freezer strawberry jam and 2 large cookie sheets of sliced strawberries to freeze for later use (I am thinking smoothies, baking, fruit parfaits). YUMMY!!!
**If you Flash Freeze your strawberries (place them in a single layer on a cookie sheet and freeze, then transfer to a freezer Ziploc bag) they will not stick together in a giant clump!!**
I decided to do freezer jam because it is SO easy and SO delicious!  You can buy any type of pectin to make freezer jam, just follow the Quick & Easy section on the insert!  The MCP brand is my favorite brand!
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Hopefully this strawberry goodness will get me through the rest of this VERY LONG winter!



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