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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St. Patrick’s Day Rice Crispie Treats

I always like to make festive treats for my kiddos.  This year I thought Rice Crispie Treats would be fun, but I gave them a fun GREEN twist for St. Patrick’s Day!  My plan was to cut them out with my shamrock cookie cutter, but it is MIA….so I just cut them into bars instead…they still taste the same, just not as fun! :)

I used green food coloring in my butter & marshmallow mixture & then we sprinkled green sprinkles on the top!  My daughter helped me make these & the sprinkles were her favorite part.  Not only did my Rice Crispie Treats get sprinkled, but the counter and floor got sprinkled as well! Smile

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The Polka Dot Closet said...

Cute idea, kids at least it is a way to get the kids to eat something green....even if it is not a vegetable! LOL


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