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Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Tie Onesie {tutorial}

I was looking for a cute idea to make my little guy for Halloween!  Why are all the super cute ideas for little girls???  I have made these before, and decided to pick up some cute Halloween fabric and make a tie onesie for him.  I am so happy with how it turned out!

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Want to make one of your very own?

Halloween Tie Onesie

  • Fabric (I chose Halloween fabric)
  • Heat n’ Bond
  • Shirt or Onesie

Iron on  your Heat n’ Bond to the back of your fabric. 

Print your pattern from here.

Trace your pattern on the back of your Heat n’ Bond.

Cut out the pattern.

Peel off the paper backing from your Heat n’ Bond.

Center the tie onto your shirt, making sure the knot overlaps the top of the tie.

Iron the tie onto your shirt.

Stitch around the tie with an applique stitch or a zig zag stitch (I used a zig zag stitch)

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That’s it….wasn’t that so simple?

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Don’t let this picture fool you, my little guy really liked his tie onesie….what he didn’t like was his mommy making him hold still for the picture! (:



Ashley said...

so cute:)

Shirley said...

HAHA! Oh why don't they just always humor us? On my bear ears post I just did, I kept telling my little guy to HOLD IT!! and for some reason he kept grabbing the ears which was NOT what I wanted. Then I realized my instructions were very vague. :) How I love taking pictures of the kids with our stuff. Your onesie turned out so cute! I love the zig zag stitch! I'll have to do that!

Good Girl Gone Green said...

Oh what a cute picture! He was probably upset cause he never wants to have to take it!

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