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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Classroom Series: Mummy Door

Any of you fellow elementary teachers out there know how time consuming our jobs can be.  That being said, I haven’t had much time for crafting lately (although I do have a few fun projects that I’m getting ready to post)!  In fact, my only computer time lately has been entering grades on the computer….and pinning a few pins on Pinterest! =)   So, that is why I’ve been a little absent lately in the blogging world AND why I’m just now posting about my Halloween themed door! =)  You don’t mind, right??!?! =)

So, since my 28 students have been occupying most of my free time, I thought I would start to show you some fun activities we’ve been working on in third grade.  A lot of the activities would be very easy to do at home with your own kiddos! 

Here is the start of my “Classroom Series” where I’ll feature some fun activities used in my classroom…


This door went along with our Red Ribbon Week in October, but would be super simple to use for the Halloween season.  My students LOVED this door and it was super easy to make.

Orange paper covered the entire door.  Then, strips of cream construction paper were used to create the mummy effect.  The font is my all time favorite, Love Ya Like A Sister.  I use that font for seriously everything! =)



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